
Bistro suvlaki.JPG  

如果你在 Bratislava 找工作,請務必小心避開這家餐廳,這家的老闆真的是可惡至極。

餐廳名稱是 Bistro suvlaki,是一家希臘餐廳。
地址是 krížna 8, Bratislava
你有聽說過去餐廳工作,還要自備便當的嗎? 在這裡我見識到了。 
上個月我從Facebook上得到訊息,有個餐廳在徵員工,在五月二十日的時候,我去餐廳應徵,因為老闆的英文不好,所以當時有個介紹人幫忙翻譯,問了一些簡單的問題,例如我想什麼時間工作? 工作時數希望是多少? 有沒有相關經驗? 當天並沒有說明我未來的工作時數及薪資的問題,只說希望我隔天去工作,再看看是否要錄取我,並談論工資的問題。
第二天想吃午餐難度就開始有了,同事有點不樂意幫你弄的樣子,推說那個要二十分鐘才會好,問我要不要等? 雖然最後還是有得吃,然後下班時同樣的情況,一樣只叫我去工作,其他什麼都不提,只說明天再說,到了第三天朋友提醒我無論多少必需知道,在我堅持的情況下,老闆終於說他付我EUR$2.5一個小時,媽的,付一小時EUR$2.5而已,還要考慮三天,那天星期五了,而且星期六是下午才工作,要做到半夜,所以我拒絕星期六的工作,並且告訴他們我想考慮一下是否繼續在這裡工作,因為這不是我能接受的時薪。
在六月十日那天我很強烈的決定要辭職,本想下班時跟老闆說的,但想到老闆應該聽不懂,所以沒有說,而他一樣只是叫我隔天早上去工作,在當天的下午,我發了簡訊給老闆的女朋友,告訴她我想辭職的事,她問我「想什麼時候辭職」? 「是立刻? 還是可以工作幾天? 」我以為這是有選擇性的意思,最後回覆他們我會工作至六月十二日星期五。
六月十一日一早我仍回去餐廳工作,老闆直到我下班,我特別去問了他隔天是否仍需要我去工作? (我永遠不知道自己那天要工作? 每天要工作到什麼時間?) 老闆只是很生氣的告訴我「I not pay you everything」,在不清楚、無法溝通的情況下,我沒有多問,而且我承諾過會工作到星期五,我很不想跟他吵,所以回家了。
至今(六月十三日)我有兩週的工資沒有拿到,共是 56 個小時的工資。
六月十五日早上去工作,老闆雖然看起來仍不太爽,但至少沒再亂發脾氣,也說明我那天主要的工作就是洗碗...,但到了下午時,跟之前一樣,老闆非要跟你說「馬上回家」,讓我覺得OOXX,然後他並沒有如之前答應的,在星期一付上上星期的工資,這個讓我非常不爽,但我仍是員工的身份,除非我不要薪水了,否則我想真的很想飆髒話,他說「I don't have money today, I pay Sturday, this's you want」,我心裡的OS是...如果不是你每天發神精病,我每天都不知道那天要工作,那天不要工作,工作了幾點可以下班? 不能休息,不能上廁所,不能吃飯,我幹嘛沒事換工作呀!! 這是他自作自受,還一副我欠他什麼的一樣。
下班時...我還真的覺得如果星期六我沒拿到薪水,我不知道我會有什麼反應? 砸店? 如果砸店了,我得被抓去關吧...,好像不合算,那我該怎麼反擊? 
六月十六日去工作,我刻意什麼都慢慢來,我想沒有人看不出來的吧,那天還是被留到四點半才下班,媽的,想工作的時候不給我工作,老娘現在不想做了,又故意把我留下,然後一樣不知道那天要工作? 老闆雖然會叫我回家,但卻沒告訴我還要不要來上班? 直到我開口問他,然後他連星期四的英文都不確定怎麼說,結果一群人在那裡討論,這就是當初所謂的「國際化的餐廳」嗎? 下班回去之後,接到台北代表處的回信,說他打了電話給老闆的女朋友協調,也不知道我星期四去工作的時候,那個瘋人會不會又對我發什麼脾氣? 但畢竟是他先欺騙我在先的...。
六月十八日早上因為沒有得到任何回應,所以看樣子只能回去工作,到了餐廳,我不明白平時最和善的小妹為什麼那天早上完全不理我,甚至連招呼都沒有打,我把手機收進口袋後,才進餐廳時,被老闆制止了,要求我留在門口,不需要我再往內走,而我大概猜到是什麼情況了,然後老闆拿了一張小紙條,上面很簡單的只有一個英文名字,甚至還不是我的名字,只是他們隨便亂取的名字,因為發不出我的名字發音,還有一個金額數字€140-,他大概是文盲吧...,然後一直叫我簽名,簽了二次他都說不對,我真的不知道他想幹嘛,雖然態度比之前好一點點,但還是一直在那裡鬼叫「this's you want」,天哪 ~ 難道這就是他唯一會說的英文嗎? 連叫我以後再也不用來上班都不會講,真是白痴,還說這是「國際化的餐廳」。
我最後的工作時數,他未付給的部份應該是 71.5 個小時,但他只付給 EUR$140-,先是少給 1.5 個小時就算了,而且薪水還自動從 EUR$2.5 降到 EUR$2-,但已經好過之前他只想付 25 個小時的工資的情況來的好了。
也許老闆開始那些低級的笑話只是想跟我打打關係,但真的很低級,像是開始跟你說這裡多不好,你應該回台灣的,再來是說什麼我休假可以去做愛什麼的...,都是一些讓人不太舒服的話語,而且很多英文他都聽不懂要問同事,或著因為他英語太差工作交待不清楚,而餐廳的工作每天一直在變,我又不懂斯語,不知道大家在說什麼? 情況有什麼改變? 或著要幫什麼忙,就這個不用晚點,那我可以做什麼? 他自己又不交待清楚,最後再來怪我...。
這次的事情真的是要謝謝「駐斯洛伐克代表處」的幫忙,另外「駐斯洛伐克代表處」要我提醒去打工渡假的同學,無論你做什麼樣的工作,就算是一個兼職的工作,也一定會有一個簡單的文件 (或著合約),上頭會簡單的說明你的工作職位、內容、工資之類的,這算對自己的一個保障,如果事後發生什麼事,這個是一個依據,如果沒有這個文件或合約,算是雇主在逃稅,也算是黑工,當發生事情,你沒有任何的保障,另外...在找工作的時候,雇主一定會看你的簽證,甚至留下簽證的資料,但這不代表一切合法,留下你的資料,有時只是為了逃漏稅而已,請大家特別留意及小心。



If you looking for job in Bratislava, be careful this restaurant.
it's Greece restaurant name is Bistro suvlaki, address is krížna 8, Bratislava, it's so terrible to work.
I got this job frome Facebook, and in the interview I feel have some problem, because my boss English is poor, but in the interview had other friend help for translation language, but they don't have told to me about work timetable or wage but because I don't understand Slovensky, and I really want have job to made money for keep stay here, and the boss said told to tomorrow when I finish work in first day, so second day I go to the work, and when I finish first day work, he still no word for me, just told me go to work next day, and pay wage and told about wage in next day, after three day is same situation, on the third day my friend suggest me must need to knew how much he want to pay, and finally he told to me it's EUR$2.5 by hour, and because it's low pay, so I said I need consider about it.
Fourth day, because my boss English is very poor, and I worry about something, so I ask a friend accompany me, he's Slovenska, the day they used Slovensky, so I no idea what's they are talking about, but my friend he said maybe stay the restaurant for temporary, becaurs I need money to keep going, so... I took my friend suggest go back to work.
First the boss was friendly, even we don't had break time, but I could drink water, I could go to toilet, I had lunch, but after few day, the boss star said "no water, no toilet, only work", and had once I go to the toilet, he knew I was in toilet, but he just knocked loudly, and even just stopped few second, when the boss saw it, he said it again "work, work, work, only work", he had no reason always angry to me, every day change positionand so of course I don't know what's I need to do, and sometime I want help to prepare something, and he said "after", but he don't had told to me what's I need to do it..., and before they promise we will discuss timetable, but they never do it, every day I don't know torommow do I need go to the work? how many day I need go to wrok for one week? and when I go to the wrok, I don't have idea when get off wrok...
in the restaurant other staff, they can have small somke time, I don't know the problem is from befor we are disscus my wage? so I could had break time...?
Finally in fourth week, I could keep doing this job, so I send the message to his girlfriend (because we can have converse with English), and her ask me want to resign immediately or go to work for couple more days? I think maybe it's after me, so I told her finish on this Friday (I resign on Wednesday), and she said "ok", she will told to my boss.
Thursday I still go to work, and my boss he don't had said anything about my resign, until I finish Thursday, before I go home, I go to ask he ... " do I need working tomorrow?" (like before I say they don't told to me about timetable, so I never to know when I need go to work, what's time can I finish work go home), but he just angry said "I not pay you everything", because we have language problem, and I promise work until Friday, so I don't said anything.
Friday I go to the work, last week he almost in lunch time (maybe 1pm or 2pm) go home, but in Thursday and Friday I finish work on 4pm, even restaurant not busy any more, but I still can't go home, and finally on  4pm he said "go home" and he said "you don't have tell me before 15 days, so I don't pay you this week, only last week".
The truth is never have anyone tell me about this, and he don't have any excuse don't pay for me.
In the Friday after I go home send the message for he girlfriend and my friend, finally I got this thing, it's not my fault, it's terrible experience from Bratislava......
by now they didn't pay me befor two week wage ( 6/1~6/12), total is 56 hour.
this's horrible job, this's horrible memory...
but on 6/14 afternoon, I got message from my boss grilfriend, she tell me go to wrok, I think I already told to "Taipei Representative Office, Bratislava" and my slovak friend promise if have any proplem he will help me, so I decide go back to wrok, just hope they will pay my wage ...
I don't know this's good idea? I hope so ...
I go back to wrok on 6/15 Monday morning, I feel boss still angry, same befor I never to know what time finsh work, I don't understand ... why everyone they know when go to work, when is day off, only me is terrible situation? I don't had do something wrong, it's not my fault, this's he push me resign, and even I do they rule go back to wrok, but he still unhappy, and lie to me again, in last week he said he will pay my wage (6/1~6/5) on Monday, but he didn't pay for me, he said "I don't have money today, I pay Sturday." this's not my fault, it's he push me resign, but my boss he say "this's you want", this's bull shit.
if this's good job why I want to resign?
in the last few day work, even my colleague ask me eat lunch, how daring go for lunch? can I go for lunch? the boss maybe don't asy anything, but I saw he face is not happy.
17th I'm day off. 
18th morning I was go to restaurant for work, and when I want to go into the restaurant, the owner told me stay in the door, after he take money and a note for me.
The note had wrote Eav(that's they call me, they can't pronunciation my name) and €140-, he want me sign something, but I don't understand what's he want me sign? I had sign my name in the note twice, and like befor say "this's you want" he's idiot? this word is he only know?
Before we had agreement pay for EUR$2.5 by hour, my total works hour is 71.5, but today he only pay EUR$140- for me, of course I knew he's not happy for something, so he do it to me.
Before they said the resignation of two weeks in advance, and when "Taipei Representative Office, Bratislava" call to they, I don't need this rule, everythin is they say so.
This's not good end, but it's better before, and I'm so tired everything for this restaurant, and I don't want see they again, so maybe just made end, and keep going.



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